Scientific Advisory Board
The advisory board accompanies the work of the center under scientific criteria. It encourages cooperation and promotes scientific and methodological projects of the Rostock Center for Interdisciplinary Implant Research. The advisory board consists of five members who are not members or affiliates of the University of Rostock. The advisory board members, who must be proven scientists in the field of implant research or/and public figures, are appointed for a period of two years upon proposal of the board.
The Scientific Advisory Board was established on the 8th of March 2023, again. We are pleased that we could win the following renowned scientists* for the cooperation in the Scientific Advisory Board:
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hoffmann
Spokeswoman and project leader of the DFG research group FOR 2180, Hannover Medical School, Clinic for Orthopedics
Prof. Dr. Robert Rieger
Holder of the Chair of Networked Electronic Systems at the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Prof. Dr. Regine Willumeit-Römer
Head of the department "Metallic Biomaterials" at the Institute of Materials Research at Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht and at the Institute of Materials Science at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Peter Wriggers
Vice President for Research at Leibniz University Hannover